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22 berichten.
Iteke Westerhof Iteke Westerhof schreef op 20 april 2024 om 18:44
Mooi werk Irma 👍 Zo ook het boek: Monografieën uit het land van Sittard. Groet I. Westerhof
David Peter Jasper David Peter Jasper uit Hopkins, MN schreef op 27 april 2023 om 03:59
I knew my grandfather Johannes came from the Netherlands as a 6 yo boy in 1862. But he never told my Dad, William, his youngest son what town. Johannes married a very young girl from Luxembourg and they had 12 Children. Grandpa was a teamster that pull a hot tar wagon for roofers. On the next block was the town pump pub run by a Vos. When I was in catholic high school I met Dave Vos, one year older than I. We quickly bonded and later we learned both our fathers were Dutch. We became best friends and were best men in our respective weddings. We remained friends for 7 decades, when Dave Vos' wife researched our family history's and determined we both came From Echt in 1862 & 1863. We knew then we must be somehow related perhaps second cousins or such. I am leaving May 1 by ship and plan to be in Echt on May 20 and 21. I hope to find out more about the Two Families and perhaps you could help and we could meet. [if you email me i will give you my cell phone number].
Gerard Lemmens Gerard Lemmens uit Wadhurst, East Sussex, U.K. schreef op 12 augustus 2022 om 12:32
What a wonderful web site and the couple Lemmens x Janssen from Venray are related to me. I lived 11 years in Washington State where I worked as a Hop merchant. I visited my family members in Wisconsin, but they could not read the book I had published about my Lemmens family from Oelbroeck (Land of Cuijk) as it was in Dutch !! I have all their descendants ! I have no clue what needs to be filled in for - Van het echtpaar dat U noemt : Lemmens, Hendrik Janssen, Maria Elisabeth Heb ik een genealogie want Maria Elisabeth Janssen overlijd kort na aankomst in Wisconsin maar Hendrik hertrouwt dan met een veel jongere (16 jar oud!) Limburgse en krijgt bij haar 10 kinderen ! Mocht U dat verhaal met illustratie willen hebben, dan email mij svp direct. Ik heb mijn stamboom in 1989 gepubliceerd - Lemmens van Oelbroeck in een boek maar daar staan mijn 5 Amerikaaanse takke helaas niet in want die had ik toen nog niet ontdekt ! Ik woon sinds 1966 in de U.K. en ben in Nederlands Indie uit Nederlandse ouders geboren, vader van Hatert, moeder van Millingen. Ik heb ook 11 jaar in Amerika gewoont !! I have no idea what is meant with - Captcha - and what to fill in there ??? Sincere, Regards, Gerard Lemmens
Ruth Boettcher Ruth Boettcher uit Newman Grove, Nebraska, USA schreef op 3 februari 2022 om 22:50
This is a wonderful discovery and I thank you for sharing your research! I am helping a relative with her genealogy, which includes two families from Limburg--Lousberg and Jeurissen. Among their family placenames are Geleen, Born, Borgharen. The Jeurissen family arrived in Carver County, Minnesota in 1860. The Lousberg family left Limburg in 1879 and went directly to Saint Bernard in rural northeast Nebraska. Today I discovered a book held in the CBG about these families!
Joe Meuwissen Joe Meuwissen uit Bloomington, Minnesota schreef op 6 januari 2022 om 23:14
Dear Irma, I just received a link to this magnificent website! This will really help me in filling in the blanks in my genealogy research! My great-great-great grandfather Johann Henricus Meuwissen (Sr) brought his family to Carver county in the town of Cologne. They came over in May 1863, departing from Antwerp and arriving in New York. My great-great grandfather John Henry Meuwissen married Catherina Gertrude Jorissen (family was from from Echt) and they had 15 children. After Gertrude's death, Henry married Maria Josephine Meuleners, whose family also came from Limburg. They had an additional 7 children, then Henry died in 1903. I am looking for information about another Meuwissen family connection to the area who settled in a neighboring town of Chaska. I have alsways been told that though they are separate families, there was a common ancestor back in Germany or Holland. I look forward to exploring your sire more fully! I agree with your post, that this genealogy work is time consuming, but very fascinating! Thank you for the great work you have done!
Tyler Schepers Tyler Schepers uit Saint Cloud schreef op 10 november 2020 om 04:00
I just want to take a moment to thank you for all of the work you have completed, and made available here. It’s been surreal, going from being told by family that they don’t know much about our history, to being able to see that my family left Nieuwstadt in 1862.
Maria Schmid Maria Schmid uit Austin schreef op 29 april 2018 om 21:56
My father's great grandparents came from Echt, Netherlands. immigrated to America 1863. aborad the steamship GERMANIA. surnames: VOS (or Voss?) was from Echt. MOORS was from Maasbracht. and MEUWISSEN. BECKERS and VAN OPHOVEN from Montfort. Petra Joannes VOS settled in Minnesota. Carver County.. between Chaska and Cologne. 3 of their children relocated north a bit, to Stearns County. We would love to find photos and more information on Echt and Maasbracht and Montfort .. and perhaps catholic cemetaries where my Great Great Great Great grandparents are buried. Some day i hope to visit. Thank you for your very nice web site. "Toni" Maria Schmid Since i was born fmail, my parents nick-named me after my Great Great Grandfather, "Anton" Antonius Hubertus VOS.
Petra Ritz Petra Ritz schreef op 9 april 2018 om 16:01
Mevrouw lommen, wat n mooie website, helaas is er niemand die ik ken ver- trokken.
Singapore Interior Design Singapore Interior Design schreef op 22 september 2017 om 03:11
My family is from Sittard. thanks for the wonderful website here.
Tina Tomaschke Tina Tomaschke uit San Diego schreef op 17 juli 2017 om 20:38
I really enjoyed looking through this website! There is a lot of information here which will help people in search of their ancestors. I had not heard of Limburg but I will put it on my places to visit!
Guido Koster Guido Koster uit IJmuiden schreef op 31 maart 2017 om 19:40
Zoek graag naar passagierslijsten.
Carol Bobanick Carol Bobanick uit Seattle, WA schreef op 14 januari 2017 om 20:54
Thank you so much for this wonderful website full of great information!! My great-grandfather was John Joseph Dauven who emigrated with his parents and sisters in 1878 - listed on your site's passenger lists. They were related to the Dohmens, Janssens, and Dirchs - some in Limburg, but most just across the border in Wehr and Susterseel. Like many Limburgers, they were devout Catholics. Father Ambrose Janssen was given land by the railroad company to build a Catholic Colony in Nebraska which is where most settled (St. Bernard). My great-grandfather later settled in Idaho and his daughter in Washington State. I live in Seattle - such a long way from Limburg!
Elizabeth Gehlen Elizabeth Gehlen uit Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA schreef op 7 april 2016 om 18:15
I am the great great granddaughter of Caspar Janssen and Agnes Van Mulken - immigrants from Province Limburg. They settled in Carver, Minnesota and their daughter, Roza Janssen Roers, my great grandmother is buried in Guardian Angles Cemetery in Chaska, MN. I am searching for any relatives from the family of Leonard Dohmen who I believe is the father of my grandmother, Lizzie Roers.
Jos Lemaire Jos Lemaire uit Heerlen schreef op 31 januari 2016 om 17:32
Heel veel dank voor alle informatie en het geweldige boek "Landverhuizers uit de Westelijke Mijnstreek." Ik heb veel geleerd over mijn families Hamers en Zincken. Mijn oma Nelly Lemaire-Hamers had als kind het adres van haar Amerikaanse familie uit het hoofd geleerd en was er op latere leeftijd nog trots op, dat zij dit wist.
Elizabeth Elizabeth uit Gehlen schreef op 26 december 2015 om 20:59
I am a descendent of Casper Janssen from Sittard, Province Limburg. He emigrated with his daughter, Rosa and his wife Agnes Mulken in 1865 to Chaska, Carver County Minnesota. I am looking for any relatives that may still be in Limburg.
Jules Smeets Jules Smeets uit Montreal, QC, Canada schreef op 7 december 2015 om 21:13
Ik ben de jongste van een paar familieleden die over de 50er en 60er jaren naar Canada zijn gekomen. Drie Smeets broers en de hele familie Hennen wonen in Quebec en Ontario. Mooie wesite, luisterde naar de liedjes. Prettige feestdagen vanuit Canada.
Susan Susan schreef op 5 november 2015 om 04:11
I am a descendant of Johnannes Salden. Anna Salden was my great-grandmother. I'm just starting to do some geneology research, so what a treat it was to stumble upon your website via a Google search for Grevenbicht!!
Denise Carhartt Denise Carhartt uit Fort Collins, Colorado schreef op 23 oktober 2015 om 00:53
Looking for parents of Franz Joseph Limburg born 1841 & Henry Frederich Limburg born 1850 in Nordkirchen, Coesfeld District, North Rhine-Westphalia. These bothers emigrated to Arkansas, US. about 1867. Any help will be awesome.
Tim Havenith Tim Havenith uit Wiltshire schreef op 11 juni 2015 om 11:31
Hi Irma, I really enjoyed reading your website, especially the information on Limburg. It's great that this site is available in English as well as Dutch. Thanks, Tim
Irmelin Rönne Irmelin Rönne uit Stockholm, Sweden schreef op 20 april 2015 om 16:06
Dear Irma Lommen - Salden, you have been so kind in helping me find a lost ancestor that immigrated from Sweden to America 1893. We never knew what happened to him and if we possibly have any relatives 'over there'. I've done some research myself, also with the help of a professional. We came so far that we had a very possible 'hit'. The name changed slightly as they often do to better fit the american language. Still not easy, there were so many with the same name! And I needed that confirmation, that we were on the right track. Then you, Irma, turned up (through the FB group: ) and helped me find those documents I so well needed! You found a copy of a passport, which confirmed the address I had, gave some other precious private information and also a photo of him taken shortly before he died! Thats an amazing find to us!! He only has one grandchild still living, but now very sick...and I was happy to be able to show him a picture of his granddad who he'd never seen a picture of before. And soon he'll be able to see a second one of him! I am very happy for all this help. I felt tipsy like after 2 glasses of wine when I received the news, almost dizzy but very happy. This information will now be shared among all relatives here; great grandchildren and great great grandchildren. Now remains to find if there's any more family left after him, my great grandfather Johan August, in the US. **Thankyou so much Irma Lommen - Salden for all you help!**